Dalmunach stookte de eerste spirit in september 2014, in juni 2015 werd Dalmunach officieel geopend. De bouw startte in 2013 op de plek waar de Imperial Distillery stond, aan de oever van de River Spey. Dalmunach is een grote distillery, de productiecapaciteit is 10 miljoen liter per jaar. Bijzonder is de still house, er staan acht koperen pot stills in een cirkel met de spirit safe als middelpunt. De pot stills hebben de vorm van oude Imperial stills, maar dan groter.
Dalmunach produced their first spirit in September 2014, the distillery was opened officially in June 2015. Construction started in 2013 on the exact same location of the former Imperial Distillery, at the banks of the River Spey. Dalmunach is a large distillery, production capacity is 10 million liters per year. Special feature is the still house, eight copper pot stills are positioned in a circle with the spirit safe in the center. The pot stills have the same shape as those from Imperial, but larger.
Cask Plans
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